

Low Investment | Easy Operation | High Traffic


- Small store size (600Sq - 1500 Sq) with low rent and construction fees.
- Low operational cost, can be easily operated by 2-4 people.
- Fast turnover, dining experience not limited by seating, convenient product on the go.

- 店鋪面積小租金低,無需大幅度裝修。
- 輕鬆經營,2-4人操作,運營費用低。
- 美食方便帶走,餐位不受限制週轉快。
- Minimal cooking, no chef required.
- Standardized operation
- Store design by specialist
- One stop pickup of all required food and beverage supplies
- Full training and operational assistance

- 簡易烹飪投入低,省略大廚明火操作。
- 流程化操作,經營更容易。
- 店面由專業人士量身設計,省力省心。
- 一站式物料配送,輕鬆便利。
- 專業培訓與開業策劃指導,運營更順心。
- Well known Taiwanese brand
- Appeals to people of all ages and cultures
- Real chicken breast with no preservatives
- Professional team that develops new products according to market

- 高知名度台灣老字號雞排,百家分店遍布全球。
- 口味國際化,男女老少都愛吃。
- 選用上等無添加雞胸肉,原汁原味最可口。
- 專業研發團隊順應市場需求,定時研發新產品。

Franchise Form

Please fill in the information and send it to hotstarca@hotmail.com. All information will be treated as confidential.

請您填寫完資料後, E-mail : hotstarca@hotmail.com,以為雙方合作之便,本公司亦會善盡保密之責。

Phone / 電話: 647-888-0568

Franchise Form / 加盟申請書